A complete guide to inZOI

With a new life simulation game like inZOI, getting the hang of things will take some time.
Here is a complete guide to inZOI and its many features for players looking for a bit of help. The guide will be updated, so make sure to save it and come back later.
FAQ(Coming Soon)
Recommended Specs(Coming Soon)
Base Game (Coming Soon)
Build Mode (Coming Soon)
Skills and Activities (Coming Soon)
World Control (Coming Soon)
Karma System(Coming Soon)
Canva (Coming Soon)
Mods (Coming Soon)
DLC (Coming Soon)
Frequently Asked Questions
Recommended Specs
Base Game
Build Mode
Careers and Shop Table

inZOI at launch comes with a handful of jobs. Between both worlds of Dowon and Bliss Bay you can find active careers and rabbit holes.
How to get a job in inZOI
To get a job in the game, click on your phone next to your character portrait or press “P” on the keyboard. Select “Career app” at the bottom of the phone. You can choose between full-time or part-time jobs.
Bliss Bay Jobs
Mackenzie Furniture Store (Active Career)
Amusement Park (Active Career)
Plutus Financial (office worker)
Themis & Jones (Lawyer)
Bliss Bay Times (Reporter)
Bliss Bay University (University Professor)
Blue Moon Soft (Developer)
Bliss Bay Nautilus (Athlete)
Westside Hustler (Criminal)
Posey’s Surf Shop (Active Career)
Golden Apple Burger (Active Career)
While the jobs are different between cities, only the active careers are different. Rabbit hole jobs are essentially the same. They just have other titles and names to fit the world.
Dowon Jobs
Firefighter (Active Career)
Adam Entertainment “Idol” (Active Career)
Aramir Group (office worker)
Justitia Law Firm (Lawyer)
Mirror of the Times (Reporter)
University of Youngsung (Professor)
DW Soft (Developer)
DG Esports (Pro Gamer)
Dowon Solutions (Criminal)
Dowon Deli (Active Career)
AZ Convenience (Active Career)
How to quit your job in inZOI
You can leave a job at any time in inZOI. Just head back to your career app and select "My Career" at the bottom. You'll see your current career page, and at the top, click the calendar with the "X" to "Resign."

Selling Second Hand
Zois can sell items second-hand to other Zois to earn Meows. See the list below and how to sell second-hand
Old Books
Fish (Fishing)
Minerals (Mining)
How to Sell Second-Hand Items
Make sure the items are in your bag. Then go to the location you want to sell. Once there, take the items out of your bag and place them on a surface or the ground. Select "Sell Second hand" and a price tag will appear.
Your Zois won't "Tend" to the items on their own, so you will have to keep a watch on them because they will walk away to do other things.